Sunday, December 24, 2006
I got nothin'.
Just wanted to wish everyone a happy Holidays and a Merry Christmas if you are of that persuasion. I have strong feelings about inclusivity during this time of year. Too many people feel alone and sad during these cold nights. I just want to give everyone of every faith a great big hug.
Pardon my syncretization.
If you want to read some previous Christmas themed posts...
The Night the Animals Talked.....
For some reason, I always end up spending Christmas Eve with one of the Winkin', Blinkin' or Nod trio on the porch. This year it's Blinkin'. Last year it was Nod. Year before that, I think I actually spent the night nursing Winkin' through entero up in the shelter.
The Grinch Who Stole Christmahanukwanzakah
I can't tell you how very disappointed I am that this post from last year is still relevant.
Nihil est incertius vulgo, nihil obscurius voluntate hominum, nihil fallacius ratione tota comitiorum. ~CiceroI find the mob and public opinion parts of this quote particularly relevant...and wish the absurd politics could be left out.
We need to bring our troops home from the "culture wars" as well.
So there is your sweet and sour. Take one. Take both. Find balance.
And no...ain't got no stinkin' babies yet. I'm afraid to let her off the porch because she'll probably go down the mountain and have them, and I'll be damned if I'm going to cross Big Creek in the dead of winter to scale up and carry kids back down the mountain.
As to that link and all the "Christian" fussmakers, WTF do they have to do with Jesus, anyway?
Grace and Peace, y'all; yeah, all y'all.
Have a truly Merry Christmas and may your holidays be joyous... and may each of the coming years bring you more joy and happiness than the previous!
Hey, Jargontalk...thanks for the compliment and wish you a very Merry Christmas indeed! If you send me your blog link, I'll visit!
Kirsty is a good egg. I'm very happy to know her.