Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Well, she finally did it!

Blinkin' just gave birth to three lovely doe kids. One is a lovely dun with points, one is spotted (a little Beacon in the woodshed, no doubt) and one is really dark bay or black with a big white blaze on her side(perfect combo of Blinkin' plus Leonard) . Each has normal, non-forked udders...unlike Blinkin' whose udder is forked and not so good.

So it looks like my boys have both good Doe-Fu and Udder-Fu.

Number One Daughter

Daughter Number One with Daughter Number Two

Daughters One, Two and Three

Looks like Mizz Blinken' is going to be really really busy! And me too, probably!


  1. Anonymous1/23/2007

    Wow! This is great! so glad you brought it to attention on TGW.

  2. Anonymous1/23/2007

    They are beautiful creatures.

    Thanks for the headsup at TGW; I see A. beat me over here. :)


  3. yay for does! that sure was a long time comin'....

  4. This is so beatiful. I hope this isn't a stupid question, but is she going to have problems feeding with a forked udder?

  5. Anonymous1/23/2007

    A month later than expected, hu?! I guess when you're having triplets that happens :) Three lovely little goatie babies, congrats Gramma Rosie!

  6. Anonymous1/23/2007

    These pix are beautiful! I can't get over how cute they are. This has put me in the best mood. Thanks, Rosie. And thanks, too, for visiting my blog. I'm glad to find you!

  7. Anonymous1/23/2007

    Rosie's Goat Yoda here- actually, a doe can nurse just fine with forked teats- as long as the baby can get its' mouth around the end of the thing and get a good suction going- hard to milk out by hand tho'- electric milking machines take care of that.


  8. Anonymous1/24/2007

    What shall the names be, Rosie? I think you should have a contest to name them! Voted on by a panel of your tall male friend and the goat yoda and you :) I need to think of something good...

  9. Thanks everyone!

    And The Goat Yoda has spoken! When she talks it actually sounds more like this...

    "Rosie's goat yoda, am I. Nurse just fine with forked teats, a doe can. As get its' mouth around the end of the thing, long as the baby can. A good suction get going. Hard to milk out by hand, it is. Take care of that electric milking machine does.

    Baaaaah! Herh herh herh."

    Kirsty...that sounds like a good idea. Let me get my bearings. Betsy told me that the gray spots on the one are called "moon spots" so I'm prolly gonna name her "Moondawgie". I'm a little leary of naming them too soon since it makes it much sadder if one doesn't make it.

  10. Hi Rosie,
    Congratulations to both you AND Blinkin'. They're so beautiful!


  11. Anonymous1/28/2007

    Ohhh that makes sense Rosie... I'm reading your blog this morning in a stunned awe - you've been BUSY! I don't envy you at this exact moment.. you can keep goat pee to yourself :)


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