Sunday, March 18, 2007

Vi-Vi and the Spotty Ones....Happy Sunday

Beacon and Vi-vi

That is Violette (Vi-vi) in the foreground and her sire, Beacon, in the background. She looks more and more like him each day. Her spots are gray "moonspots" while his are white. Both seem very shy when the camera comes out, unlike BossyToe who loves to have her picture taken. Actually, I think BossyToe thinks the camera might be tasty.

During Vi-vi's entropion confinement, she developed a taste for udders other than Blinkin's. It's my fault really. Vi-vi refused to suck from the bottle and each feeding session became a wrestling match with most of the milk ending up on me. The solution was to put her to Pearlie and Maggie when they came up for their twice daily milkings. Vi-vi heartily approved of this plan. Pearlie and so much so.

As long as Pearlie and Maggie are being securely held or in the milk stanchion, they will put up with this outrage. Vi-vi doesn't understand this yet and this results with her being head-butted quite a bit for being a brat out in the pasture. But Vi-vi is now very gentled and not afraid of me at all. She follows me in the hopes of me holding down one of the other does for her to have her illicit drink of milk.

I'm now working on little Rose. She's the runt of this year's doe kids now that Bridey has shot up in height. Rose takes the bottle very readily so I'm bringing her indoors and giving her a bottle. She will calm down very soon. I'm wondering if Rose is just going to be a small
stature goat. I'll wait and see if she starts to get some size on. If she doesn't, I may pet her out. I need her to at least get as big as Maggie.

The other spotty doe is Sonya. I've developed a bit of a soft spot for her and her sloe-eyed self. She lacks Freaky Didi's patrician roman nose and her eyes are wide spaced and oddly set. But she whinnies and nickers like a horse and it's a sweet sound with all of my bawling discordant Nubians and grades. The Saanens have sweet sounding voices, but Sonya is now the nicest singing voice of the lot.

She's very sweet and comes running when I call her name. Very affectionate little goat.


  1. Aww, such a sweet lil girl! I don't know that I've ever seen a Saneen up close, so I don't know how their sound compares to a nubian.

    I'm totally cracking up imagining Vi-vi chasing down the milking does... the grand matriarch of mom's herd tries to nurse off her daughter. Just a wee bit kinky methinks! ;)

  2. Anonymous3/18/2007

    So so so so so so so very cute! I've always loved goats, but never had the opportunity to keep them. Someday,....
    I will keep dreaming!
    Love your blog!

  3. Hey BBM...The Saanens are the big white goats. I have four of them. They produce a large volume of milk. I'm crossing them with the Nubians to produce a goat with a high volume of high butterfat and milk solid content milk. Better for cheesemaking.

    Welcome, Lizard Princess!

  4. Anonymous3/18/2007

    Hi Rosie,
    Thank you for visiting my blog ( )and for the nice comment! I came to "check you out" and... I discovered you are living my dream!!! You have goats! You live in nature on mountains! My dream is to have a small farm with lots of animals, in a mountain area. At the moment 5 cats, 2 squirls, an occasional racoon (!) and feeding birds in my small back-yard vegtable garden is as close as I get to having a farm in NYC...
    So glad to have met you!

  5. Hey ya'll I still need to place those other two does in pet homes- they are sweeties. In case anyone wants them. I'd rather send them out to someone who will appreciate them and offer to take them back if they don't work out....

  6. I really like the spots....good lookin' goats!

  7. Do you know what a resite it is to read about your family? Oh, I have been out of my blgroll for better than a week and while I usually reserve you for Sunday morning coffee, this weekend was a blur.

    This is MY FAVORITE SITE ON THE WEB, bar none. And I just cannot get here fast enough for my own breakdown... thank you for a place of my own.


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