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3 months ago
Modified by Blogcrowds
The power's been off most of today so I didn't get much writing or visiting done through the internet tubes. Tomorrow is market much the same for tomorrow. Market day is every third Wednesday. It makes me cranky.
So here's another piccy of Bridey. They are getting so big that I can barely pick them up. I need to go get the weaning pen and shelter ready. It's almost that time.
I think Bridey's mom had a miscarriage. Which is's a bit soon for her to turn around and have another.
I got nothin'. Lots planned but nothin'. Maybe try to make it to snakehandling church this Saturday on a recce'.
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Shopping day leaves me cranky too. Good luck!
Big baby goat has a dent in his head between eye and horn. I'm assuming he crashed into something that went right through hair and skin and into bone, since it's not a bite or a cut. But it goes right into his skull! So that's been my thing the last two days--watching his eye swell shut, putting on antibiotic cream, and (HA!) trying to hot soak it.