Monday, May 07, 2007

This Week

I'm not going to be writing much this week.

Last night, in a vision, the Angel of Filthiness appeared to me and said, "Lo, verily I say unto you! If you do not clean up this house and stop chasing goats, you are doomed to perdition."

And I looked up, unto my dust-bunnied ceiling fan and realized she was right. And I was afraid.

So...don't expect anything substantial from me this week. I'll probably throw some old piccies at you or prater on about the animes I've been watching. Or maybe not. My anime addiction and my low taste in books and entertainment aren't something I'm proud of. But the way I see brain needs mindlessness in a bad way. I know a few other creative types who are this way too. While I could impress you by saying I'm reading some important book or another, but most likely I'm reading a cozy mystery that I can devour in one evening and promptly forget, or glued to something like Hellsing.

But honestly...I'm putting myself under house arrest until the much needed spring cleaning is done.

It's a shame really. It's a gorgeous day. Perfect for fencing or just laying out in the pasture with the goats.

But, I'm quite certain that I'm going to hell if I don't get the house clean. Really. I am.


  1. No honey, hell will come to you.

    Clean and dance and enjoy the house!

  2. "Almost persuaded" to do my own: good hellfire & brimstone, saith the Preacher.

    I put on Booker T & The MGs or somethin' funky--maybe the Clash--while doing housework; it definitely helps.

  3. Rosie, one sure fire way to speed up your cleaning is to do it to the William Tell Overture (Lone Ranger theme song). You will be done in no time flat. I guarantee it!

  4. Those are really great music selections! I used to put The Pogues on when I cleaned..but I now have a weakness for French Rap and Japanese Pop. Today I did French Rap...MC Solaar.

    You probably have heard this one...

    Mais entre eux c'etait toujours complicite.
    Escale sur un piedestal un reve delimite.
    S'il devenait triangle, elle serait rectangle.
    La belle et le bad boy, le triangle rectangle

    I really like that one, but I like Inch'Allah and Paradisiaque better...honestly, I don't think Solaar has a bad track on anything he's done.

  5. Now just why did you have to post about cleaning or hell and brimstone???? LOL I can't open a closet door without everything falling out cause if its out of sight its outta mind ya know. Can't shove another thing under the beds and then you go and post about cleaning. Shucks, I wanted to go take the goats for a walk and enjoy the day but am going to grab the broom, mop and get at it. You shouldn't have such a influence on people LOL have a great day and hug the four leggers for me.

  6. Anonymous5/08/2007

    One day my neighbor started spring cleaning. Her five-year-old son came bursting out their front door and yelled, "Run! Mama done took a fit to cleanin'!"

    We high-tailed it outta there!

  7. "Run! Mama done took a fit to cleanin'!"

    Good 'un! Cept, 'round here, Poppa does his own, or it don't get done. I leave it to y'all to guess which.

    Something soothing: Maybe W A Mozart, Divertimento for String Trio: K. 563 in E-flat major, played by the Pasquier Trio; I need a nap.

  8. LMAO. Ya know come to think of it. That noise I heard behind me last night was saying something similar to me about gettin off my lazy bum and get to cleaning or else*snickers*. It's sooo hard to be good ain't it? *LOL* Hey mindlessness is good for all every now and again. Mine just hangs around too long *giggles*.
    Have fun cleaning! *UGH*

  9. I keep telling people the dust bunnies and cobwebs are part of the new Medieval decor I'm trying. As long as the spiders don't start carrying people away and the dust bunnies don't get big enough to start carrying clubs, I'm good to go.

  10. humm. didn't know that dust bunnies had that much pull with the Big Guy.

    see you there, I guess.

  11. Rosie,
    Thanks so much for dropping by.I have absolutely no idea why Lola put a slice of bread in her spoon bread, but it was always delicious.

    Your blog makes me laugh, cry, and cook up a big bubbling pot of barbecue sauce on a hot day. One day I'm going to be a farmgirl like you.


  12. Stopped by to check in and realized you must still be cleaning!

  13. Dear Rosanne,
    My name is Eric Smith, and I'm one of the administrators over at Hillbilly Savants ( I've been a long-time reader of your blog and I have to say, it is fantastic. Right now, over at HS we're actively seeking to recruit women contributors to our site - yours in particular has come to mind several times. I was wondering if you'd be interested in joining us - you'd be welcome to double-post relevant articles (both here and on HS) and we'd be thrilled to have you. If you're interested, please let us know by either commenting on one of our posts or e-mailing us at . . thanks for your consideration and keep up the good work. Sincerely,


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