Sunday, May 20, 2007

Wisteria ~ Happy Sunday

One of the local beauty spots is, curiously, the local dump.

Our Mistress of the Dump, Barbara, is a very accomplished organic gardener. All summer long, the lowly dump is ablaze with wisteria, hollyhocks, iris', sunflowers and tetch-me-nots. She has cherry and apple trees planted around the perimeter and always plants things attractive to butterflies and birds.

It makes an onerous task all the more pleasant.

It's also a great place to catch up on all the local gossip.

I hope you are having a very happy Sunday.

I'm off to Snake Church now.


  1. Um, you have to GO to the dump?


    And tell me more about snake church, are you handling?

  2. Waiting for the Snake Church post when you are done spreading your seed...if girls can even DO that.hee.

    AND more details about WHAT varieties you are planting and a PHOTO of the garden!!! (Even though it is just DIRT now.)


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