Half Nekkid MuttonAs it turns out....shearing a sheep...not so different from grooming a cocker spaniel after all.
I didn't do it like the pros do. I didn't flip him on his back or take it off in one piece. We took lots of breaks to cool the blades down and let him catch is breath, but

I think he actually enjoyed it. I basically just started at his head like I would a very matted cocker and peeled him out of it like a banana.
So now I have a pile of discarded sheep's clothing. Not sure what to do with it at this point but will stuff it in a bag to keep it separate from the next pile of sheep's clothing that is to come.
And that's going to be the hard part. Mutton is my buddy. He comes up to get his butt scratched and is a general snugglepuss as far as sheep go. He's got a spot under his chin that if you scratch just right, he'll close his eyes and moan. Slutty, slutty boy.
Chops is a different matter. He's not really into the "touching" thing at all.
Fully Nekkid Mutton
My Bill looks like a dustmop with feet and horns...