Friday, August 17, 2007

Food Porn Friday!!! ~ Elderberries

These are one of my favorite fruits of the summer and they come in here between late July to mid August. Most think of them as a weed, but I take note of every bush I see when they start to come into flower. They grow near water sources and you can find them by noting the profuse white blossom heads.

Elderberries have a very sweet taste that is somewhere between a blueberry and a blackberry. They don't have tartness and for that reason I usually add a bit of lime juice or zest to the recipes that I make with them. I really like the combination of lime and elderberry.

Both the blossoms and the fruit may be eaten or used to make wine, jelly or any number of things. The blossoms can be deep fried in batter and may also be used to make wine.

One tip I will give you if you are making jelly is to remember to add your pectin before your will not set if done in the reverse.

The elderberry and elder tree have a long and honored tradition in folk medicine of being healthful, particularly as a treatment for the cold and flu. They are very rich in vitamins A and C. They also have a tradition as a sacred plant in many old world religions. (Perhaps Anne at The Gods Are Bored could tell us more about that!)

I'm going to send you over to Paul's Elderberry Page for recipes. He has some really lovely ones and I'm bookmarking the Elderflower Champagne for next summer!

Just count your blessings if you have this lovely plant growing on your property and put it to good use!

1 comment:

  1. My late mother in law made peach/elderberry pie that was out of this world!


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