Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Do You Dip?

In the more information than you probably wanted to know department.....

What you are looking at is a device to place on a pop can so you can spit your chaw juice discreetly into said pop can. Public spittoons bing a thing of the past, it's prolly a very good idea for all of you snuff dippers out there.

This was at a local market where I had an unusually long wait to pay for my English Mountain Bottled Water. Gotta be careful with me with that sort of thing. The digi is likely to come out of my purse and take advantage of the too much time I suddenly have on my hands.

They were very busy with the lunch crowd though. Perhaps I'll go back and review them.


  1. What's up with the blue bottle with the NOS (nitrous oxide) logo?

    There's a certain TN something about listening to your mother in law's boyfriend bitch about the smokers as he sits spitting into the green bottle.

  2. Oh-oh... bottled water... really, I heard this big thing on BBC, the energy it takes/CO2 imprint... our tap water is perfectly safe and you really don't know what you're getting in a lot of the bottled waters anyway... sometimes it's been discovered to be tap water!

    I can tell you though, it's sure not tap water from my area. I don't know what kind of imprint Brita filters leave, but while the water here may be safe to drink it sure tastes odd please BBC don't do a report on Brita filters...

  3. Anonymous9/19/2007

    This looks like the gas station/convenience store at the I-40 Hartford exit. Is it?

  4. Some of the farm boys over where the girls go to college could use something like that. One of them even got arrested for open container for his "spit cup", which was a cut down beer can.

  5. Oh Rosie, If I send you money for the spit thingy and for postage would you pick up one for me? I want to put it in my SIL's Christmas stocking as a gag gift.

  6. I don't know, Samuel...I thought it was a Nehi bottle.

    Hey Paul...The English mountain water is pretty's local. I don't drink much bottled water unless I'm away from home and thirsty. We have springs all over the place here. My own water is spring fed well water and very good.

    No, Maridmitch...that place is in town. I'd just never seen one of those thingies before.

    Peggy...I think I could spring a buck 92 for you. But I don't think it comes with amusing packaging telling you what it is.

  7. Do you spit or swallow?

    I have two friends that chew tobacco. One was told as a child if he wanted to chew he would have to swallow. For sixty years he has never spit. My other friend keeps a disgusting old margarine tub on the table to spit it. It is really disgusting, particularly when someone accidentily upsets it.

    I drink the water directly out of the Temagami River. It is wonderful water. I often think of the ginger ale ads from years ago.
    "Drink Temagami Dry". (I think Canada Dry Ginger Ale bought them out.)

  8. I'll never forget the coffee cans my maternal grandparents (from the hills of Kentucky) used for spittoons. They kept them close to their chairs in their living room. I'll never forget the smell either. Give me a whiff of cigarette smoke any time over the ghastly smell that came from those coffee cans.

  9. Now you make me think of something I don't miss about home, and that is dippers. I literally haven't seen a dipper in NJ since I moved to NJ. I'm sure there are some, but I've never seen 'em.

  10. Speaking of "the lunch crowd", mine is crowding my throught RIGHT NOW.

  11. i used to date a farmer up the road and he chewed...kept his spit can on the seat btwn us in the pick-up truck. very romantic! :)

  12. I was in a BBQ joint the other day with a sign on the wall, I’ll pop a copy for you if you want. I paraphrase the sign from little recall, “No spitting on the floor or the stove. Take it outside” or some such thing. By then, I already munched a big bite of this pulled pork BBQ sandwich when I read the sign and then envisioned someone spitting on the stove. Now I associate Fat Boys BBQ with a big hurl.

  13. I looked closer at the blue bottle and realized there was a web address. It's an energy drink, though I suspected water when I first saw it. I'm not surprised that a racing parts manufacturer would be selling energy drinks around here, but I'd never seen it before.


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