Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Happy New Year!

I hope you all had a safe and happy New Year's Eve last night!

We are expecting some snow today and tomorrow. Me? I'm doing battle with the plumbing.

I will now treat you to my New Year's Day rant on toilets! Yay! Toilets!

I’ve had to replace my toilet guts practically every year here. Now, I remember when I was growing up that the mysteries of the toilet guts, were rarely revealed. That was why when the damn thing overflowed, we ran screaming from the room like anacondas were emerging from the bowl. Of course, the proper response was to open the tank and hold up the float until you could get the supply line cut off.

But, because we never seemed to have many problems that required fiddling with toilet guts, we didn’t know that.

I know way more about toilet guts today than I am comfortable knowing. It’s not that it’s overflowing…it’s the guts themselves. They just don’t make them like they used to. The Fluidmaster ones are always breaking. Cheap plastic crapity, crap, crap, crap……dare I say it…Made in China! Thank goodness I’m not trying to cook with them.

So…they are either running constantly or… when they aren’t doing that, leaking outside of the tank. If by some miracle you actually get it to stop doing both of these things, then you must gingerly approach the commode for it to perform its actual function. Because if you sit on it too hard…it will immediately start leaking or running and there you are for another hour trying to get it to stop.

My goal is to get at least one of them working reliably before attacking the other.

Happy New Year!


  1. I wish you lots of health and happiness in the New Year, Rosie.

  2. I hate fixing toilets. I hate plumbing adventures.

    I've done and had more than my share of both.

    Hope everything's flowin' and goin' easy and quick.

  3. Can I tell you?

    I spent 3 hours today fixing the front gate.

    I swear it's true. Took it apart, put it back together and I'm back to being an elitist chickadee.

    Wishing you a happy new year.

  4. Happy New Year, and good luck with your epic quest.

  5. Happy New Year Rosie,
    I hope you get your potty fixed. It's cold as a 'tater' up here in our section of TN tonight. Wind chills expected to be 0 to -10 below. I'm just hoping our water lines don't freeze.

    Looking forward to reading more of your great work real soon.

    PS. Love the pic of the Chokkit dog. He/she's beautiful.

  6. See, that's why I still use a pot. The only thing you need is a really big fig tree to dumb it under.

  7. been there done that and even replaced the seal on the bottom. LOL Never thought I would be a toilet expert, Hope your potty troubles are soon over.


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