Wednesday, February 06, 2008

The Chihuahua Cure

So, yesterday Friend Scott calls me to tell me the "good news".

"Yay--you have water!" I say.

So, it was evidently the pump was out, they replaced it and now he has water once again. He tells me the water doesn't taste funny anymore either. This is also a good thing since I never wanted to drink the water at Scott's since it sort of smelled like ass. He has a really old-timey septic system there and I always suspected the water table and the septic were a bit too friendly for good health.

But, the other news was that the fellow who bashed Scott's head in with a shovel was found dead. No foul play involved, though that was my first thought. The guy was sort of a legendary bad actor.

Today's story is about....

The Chihuahua Cure

The polished, final draft of this story has been accepted for publication. In keeping with the SMB's policy, this rough has been removed.

I will provide linkage where you may purchase the magazine or read the story in its final draft form on publication.

1 comment:

  1. Good one Rosie. There must be a chihuahua in your past!

    I will be back each day this month ready, willing and able to read another good storie.


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