Friday, February 29, 2008

Food Porn Story Friday ~ Frog Giggers

Today is the last installment of The Short but Sweet Story Month. I hope you have all enjoyed reading them as much as I enjoyed writing them.

As usual, I learn a great deal when I’m doing one of these self challenges. I think I learned the most this time about my personal rhythms when writing. I think I write better in the mornings when I first get up. A few times, this story included, I’ve had to finish it in the morning and post date the upload. I guess this is just an obvious thing. People write better stories when they are well rested.

If you’ve been following this month’s story cycle, I’d be most interested in which stories you thought were the best--what, as a reader, worked best for you and which was your least favorite of the stories. If you have ideas as to why you think that, I’d be very interested in hearing those as well.

I’m thinking about doing this as a seasonal event on the blog, so I may attempt this again in May. I’d like to see what sort of changes occur with the change of seasons. This winter cycle seemed to produce many themes dealing with the end of life—I’m wondering what will happen in the spring?

Once again, it is time for me to turn to reviews, submissions and editing, but the blog will continue as usual. Oh--if you really loved the month long story cycle, you can buy me a corndog using the Support the Breakdown link on the right hand sidebar.

Today’s story is food oriented—it being Friday.

Frog Giggers

This story, in its final draft form, has been accepted and published. In keeping with the SMB's policy, the rough draft has been removed. Please check the sidebar for links.


  1. Rosie, I honestly enjoyed every story this month. I guess my favorites tended to be the ones with the "Smokey Mountain Lore".

  2. Anonymous3/05/2008

    You're a great writer. I found you at HoboStripper. Can't wait to fully read this place left to right, from gourd to sky.


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