Thursday, March 20, 2008

Furst Day of Spring ~ Lolgoat Edition

I couldn't resist doing this forever, I guess. This will be going up on The Friday Ark at the Modulator. Lolcat translations courtesy of Speak Lolcat. Nod to I CAN HAS CHEEZBURGER? If for some odd reason you want to use any of these on your own blog, go ahead, but give me a linkback. The new Technorati is murdering my blog.

I give you--The Baby Lolgoats--courtesy of Betsy at Glastonbury Farm where I spent this afternoon getting my baby goat fix.


  1. Oh, these are precious and totally funny! Thanks for the laughs. The "button" one is my fav!

  2. Anonymous3/21/2008

    oh hai! u r a preshuss n beautee ladee alrite, srsly

    my tummeh hurtz frum laffing so harrd, srsly

    bebe goatz, cutesstest evah!

  3. Ha! I love them...both the photos and the captions!

  4. So much better than the cats, oh so funny!


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