Monday, March 24, 2008

Foothills Parkway ~ Easter Weekend

I hope everyone had a very happy Easter.

I stopped on my way home the other day, up on the Parkway and took this. There was enough cold up at the higher elevations for the snow to still be flocking the mountaintops.

We were supposed to have some snow this morning but it is just cold and cloudy.

I had the best of intentions for completely churching it up yesterday, but my alarm didn't go off so I missed the Episcopal service in Newport. Sigh. I did manage to make it to Jimmy's for the 1:00 service. The signs followers do not celebrate Easter. They are celebrating Passover on the 20th and will be having a foot washing, so, I don't want to miss that.

Nothing much going on. I did my first taped interview yesterday. They said I did okay.


  1. You mean the Blue Ridge Parkway? We are common travelers on the NC end, near Asheville! I love it!

    Beautiful picture!

  2. Hey Daisy...No, this is the Foothills Parkway. A completed portion of this is near my house. The Blue Ridge Parkway is further east, going up into Virginia.

  3. Rosie,this is a great photo,thank you for posting this one.I had a great Easter,my wife and Celestine
    Visited with my family and then today we went to visit hers.We did this so I did not have to be out too long just in case I had a seizure.

  4. Anonymous3/24/2008

    Interview? What'd I miss?

  5. Lovely view whatever the parkway. it is a whole lot more scenic than the Merritt Parkway (across South Western Connecticut.)

  6. Bad luck on missing the churchie bits. I didn't get to church on Sunday either - but that's what happens when you have an atheist for a husband. I did make Hot Cross Buns though...

  7. Who is they?

    What interview?

    I'm so excited.

  8. That is breathtaking. Again, so wonderful to share.


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