Saturday, May 10, 2008

So long, farewell, auf wiedersehen, goodbye...

He passed ownership of the Golden Dynasty Buffet Discount Card to me before driving off in his white pick-up truck.

"Just four more dinners and you get one free," he said.

That was sort of a tradition with us. Scott called the Chinese the "Newport Country Club". The first time I went there was with Scott. I'm not sure how many of the red stamps on the back were from our shared meals, but I'm guessing most of them were from the two of us. I'd go in by myself once in a very great while if I had something to read, but honestly, it's not as fun eating alone as it is with a friend.

We hugged hard and he teared up. I have a delayed response to grief so I didn't feel that hungry hurt in the pit of my stomach until after the truck disappeared. But that is how I've always been. I nurse my wounds in the dark and silence.

We spent yesterday in town. We both got haircuts at Rubles. Scott ran into politico, Charlotte Leibrock who had heard about what happened. She told Scott she was sorry and that losing him was a loss to Cocke County. We went by the bank so I could give him the money all of you donated to him.

Scott wanted me to tell you all how much he appreciated your kind thoughts, wishes and donations.

"Yeah, my peeps is the bestest," I told him. He agreed. If you'd like to email him directly, his email is I'm not sure when he's going to find a computer to use, but he'll be able to check it eventually, I'm sure.

I'm going to miss him an awful lot. There is a quiet here now I wasn't aware of before.


  1. Oyyy, what a cutie!!!

    And he's gay, you say? ::sigh:: My mother would be thrilled if I took home an adorable bubele like him, with such a squeezable zisa punim.

    Rosie, it's awesome what you a friend get on their feet again. How wonderful that the two of you have each other.

    I, too, am sorry to see him go. All the best to him.

  2. Scott,Godspeed,stay safe.

  3. Words are hard to find at a time like this. I hope that Scott finds someone in his new hometown that will be as good of a friend as you have been for him. Friends like you are few and far between Rosie.

  4. I trust you will be able to visit and chat once in a while.

  5. So sad for you and for him. I hope his new place is kinder to him....

  6. Poor you and Scott. It's so hard to lose a friend...

  7. Anonymous5/20/2008

    Ahhhhh that pic was awfull I look like shit it is a shame that a baby goat looks better than I do can my nose be any bigger. T hanks to all for being so kind to me. I will never find a friend like my ROSIE.... fRIEND SCOTT


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