Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Angler

That's my Mom circa 1940's on our dock in Bluffton. Of course, we don't fish like this anymore. We are slightly horrified when we look back at these cool old photos, knowing what we know now. But we never imagined in a million years the day would come when strings of dead fish like this would seem sinful. When life in the river didn't replenish itself with the inevitability of tides.

I grew up being told we would never starve because the river would take care of us. So, it's not surprising I have angling in my blood. It's a trait that never seems to skip a generation and I can no more imagine my family's history without fishing than I could imagine the tide not ebbing at full moon. My brother has it much more strongly than I, but I feel a year is wasted if I don't pull my rods out. My brother though--my brother is a creature of rivers, streams and oceans. He's got a bit of Thor in him--forever reeling in the Midgard Serpent.

I wrote a story, a bit back, about my brother and his old fishing buddy, Zeke. The details in the story are entirely true. It's one of what I call my "sacred stories"--stories I write from the bone. And I wrote it intending it as a gift.

So, I'm extremely pleased that the story, A Prayer for the Gods of Fishing Dogs, has been published on Donavan Hall's excellent The Angler journal. I've had my eye on this journal since I first noticed it when I started subbing back in November. Donavan publishes stories about brew craft and the occasional fishing story--both things dear to my heart. I can't think of a finer day than one spent out on the river followed by the rich bite of a handmade ale. Life just doesn't get any better than that.

I hope you'll take a moment to read this one. It's a special little story about fly fishing, dogs and honoring a lifelong friendship.


  1. What a wonderful story Rosie. I'm sure that Zeke couldn't have been happier than to spend eternity swimming with the dolphins.

    Thanks for sharing this Rosie.

  2. Anonymous6/26/2008

    Very nice.

  3. I doubt that sports fishing types have ever damaged the fish population all that much..but what did ruin it in Florida was commercial fishing..gill nets that took thousands of pounds each day of the week each..and not just a few gill netters but thousands of them. They didn't leave enough of the breeding stock to replenish the fishery and I sincerely believe that if we sports anglers had not kida forced through a state constitutional amendment that there wouldn't be much left out there now. But with careful fish and game management our fishing is getting better..still a lot of pressure on the water but nothing like the commercial gill netters were putting on it.

  4. Congrats! Nice to see a favorite child out in the world!

  5. The only fish caught in those numbers now around here are barbots and suckers, (with our bare hands in season)

    Rosie, I tagged you for a small award. See my blog.

  6. You are so talented Rosie!

  7. Beautiful story! As always you have really brought the characters alive.

  8. I can see the results of your careful editing. Every word is in its place. Thanks for sharing your talent with the rest of us.


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