Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Buy This....

Literary Journal....

Better Yet...Subscribe

I'm in it.


Yang, The Karma Goat will visit you...

And pee on all of your shoes...

This is the MARK of Yang...

In case you didn't believe me...

Trust me...It's easier to buy a copy of Keyhole.
Goat pee is hard to get out of shoes.

Oh...and you are so not off the hook yet. I got another piece accepted today.


  1. Yang would fit right in with the babies here. They climb on your back pee and poop and wonder why you aren't happy about it. LOL Glad you are feeling better and getting your stories published. Bossy Toes is getting a nice bag on her along with a big pregnant belly. Her due date is July 6th. Will let you know when you are a "grandma"

  2. I had a cat that would let you know where you stood with her as well.She hated to be taken any where and if we did she would let her opion known and how!Pe uwe.
    I hope that you are haveing a Great day.That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

  3. Congratulations! That is awesome! Is the earth ready for your take over? YES!


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