Tuesday, July 08, 2008

I gots nothin'...

I've decided to teach myself how to spin using a drop spindle. I can't really afford, nor do I have room for a spinning wheel. Of course, I'd love one, particularly one of the Appalachian ones and I may, if I find a woodworker skilled enough take the plans and have one built. But for now, I think I probably should start with very basic stuff.

I haven't had much to write on the blog recently. I've been really busy with writing and whatnot.

Peggy over at Hidden Haven is in the middle of her mid-summer kidding storm. BossyToes had a big buck they've named Thunder Toes. He has a skunk stripe. Bridie had a doe kid. They are really loud flashy kids. Go over there if you are jonesing for a baby goat fix.

Still trying to catch Chops to shear him. Which inspired this:

Bad Agricultural Haiku #2

Sheep pants in the dust.
Oh, Chops, please let me shear you?
Runs. Runs. Runs away.


  1. Anonymous7/08/2008

    hey that's better Hiaku that I can do! Rosie,I hope that you are haveing a grand day! that's my story and i'm sticking to it. hugs and blessings

  2. Anonymous7/09/2008

    You can make a pretty good drop spindle with an old CD, directions at this site look pretty good--http://www.interweave.com/spin/projects/equipment.asp
    You can use dog brushes as wool cards until you decide to go into heavy duty spinning too.

  3. Can I send you a box of Angora goat wool? I clipped Bill Whickers and don't know what to do with it--it's been sitting in a box in the studio...

    Your agricultural haikus have a humorous twist that I like...

  4. Thanks, anon, that looks like a good site. The carding thing sort of mystifies me. I have cards left over from my wigmaster days, though they are large, flat and without handles. It just seems to make it into fluffy balls without any sort of direction. So, I've been using wide tooth matt combs and angelfood cake cutters(also old wigmaking tools) which are sort of like the Dutch comb tools I saw on one site. It may just be Mutton and Chops' fleece.

  5. It would be wasted on me at this point, Karen! I've got three fleeces and one on the hoof yet! Check with Erin--not sure if she's used goat fleece before.

  6. I highly recommend the videos at http://www.joyofhandspinning.com/

    also if you do a little search around youtube there are a bunch of videos available.


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