Friday, August 01, 2008

Idiot Blogger

So, I'm back up, evidently. But I'm not happy.

Blogger, in its infinite idiocy, knocked out a huge number of blogs today labeling them as spam blogs. Some of them were really big blogs with really important stuff going on--not just little me talking about the Smokies and my writing.

So, I need help figuring out how to move to Wordpress. I think I'll just go ahead and get my own domain--really sick of being at the mercy of Blogger which detonates a bot bomb that knocks out this many blogs. I hate to lose the ranking on this blog, but I'm so not happy about this.

Here's another jigsaw--one of my own photos.

Click to Mix and Solve


  1. Rosie.I could not access your blog through internet explorer,but was by using Mozilla fire fox. I sent you an email how to access word press the setup process is not that hard to do. I'm a computer dork and I was able to do it.
    Hugs and Blessings.

  2. Rosie, it's an incompatibility with Internet Explorer and Sitemeter. Kill sitemeter on your blog and you'll be fine. Some techno geek must've created a brilliant new update for Microsoft, bless their little heart!


  3. I couldn't reach it thru internet explorer either.

  4. Anonymous8/02/2008

    losing the rank is hard. i just moved, too (link below). let me know where you move to when you do and i'll throw you on the new blogroll. for now i'll just put this one on. wordpress is easy enough. or you can get your own server, if you do, please go through this page! cuz it throws some change in my cup if you do. peace!

  5. Anonymous8/02/2008

    Hi Rosie,
    Sorry about all your problems. I couldn't access some blogs including yours. I thought it was my PC. I cleared the cache, refreshed my browser, even tried Firefox browser. lol.
    Anyway, if you do decide to get your own domain I would recommend you go with Judy Webb at She is a wonderful person and always available if you have a question. And the server is up 99.9% of the time. I've never had a problem with mine and I've been with her for years. :) . Her prices are really great too and you can pay for the hosting via PayPal.
    Oh and wordpress is already available in the hosting c panel. All you have to do is install it.

    Love the puzzles. They are so fun and so cute. Puzzles and goats. Two of my favorite things.

    Take care and stay well.
    hugs and smiles

  6. yeah... but wordpress won't allow google analytics.


Spam blogs are ALWAYS reported. No exceptions.