Saturday, September 20, 2008
Very pleased that The Hostage of Uncle Esad found a home on Six Little Things. Six Little Things features six stories by six writers under 250 words.
Go check it out!
six bricks press
was founded by Bard Cole in the Spring of 1994 in an apartment on Avenue C in New York City's East Village as the imprint name for his handcrafted chapbooks and photocopied "'zines." has been online since 2005 featuring Six Little Things, an online publication that spotlights the prose poem and short-short story, and in particular work that rests most comfortably in the fusion of those two genres. Developing plans may include a print publication in the near future.
The online literary webmagazine, "Six Little Things," features short prose writing and is published quarterly. Each themed issue features the work of six writers as well as a featured visual artist.
Bard Cole is the author of Briefly Told Lives (St. Martin's Press) and a graduate of Sarah Lawrence College and the University of Alabama. Write to him via editor(at)
Congratulations Rosie!!