Thursday, December 31, 2009

A Very Happy New Year to All...

Not sure I'm doing much tomorrow. Was told an old Appalachian saying is that what you do on New Years Day, you will be doing all year. So...guess I'll have a good workout and schlep some firewood onto the porch. Be as active as I can be. Think I'm going to do butterbeans and rice instead of hop'n'john. Mostly because I have some. Butterbeans, that is.

Other than that, just catch up on some craft projects and watch the parade. Hope everyone enjoys their day.


  1. I will say hello then -- and look for something of yours to read. I won't mind doing that for the remainder of the year.

  2. And a happy new year to you too, my dear! I'll be looking forward to your updates and your stories.

  3. Happy New Year.Love those boots(Oh,your stories too.)One of my 2010 resolutions...lurk less,comment more on the blogs I frequent.

  4. I love this little peek into your world, Happy New Years and a big hug and kiss from me!


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