Sunday, June 17, 2007

Mennoninite Children ~ Happy Sunday

Mennonite Children in Morristown

These four were shyer than the rabbits they were selling. I thought they were really adorable. They were there with their papa.

If you are ever in the vicinity of Abbeville, SC...and there are some quite good reasons why you should be, if only to visit...there is a wonderful Mennonite restaurant called Yoder's Dutch Kitchen. They have a truly impressive buffet of authentic Pennsylvania Dutch dishes and you can top it off with a helping of shoofly pie or apple dumplings for dessert. The serving ladies all wear the little white mesh coifs. And if you are a cookbook collector, be prepared to be dazzled by their selection of cookbooks on Amish and Pennsylvania Dutch cuisine and crafts. It's one of the top 10 Pennsylvania Dutch restaurants in the nation.

If you are like me and enjoy old-timey things and like to accessorize your life with a bit of Amish chic...I highly recommend perusing the selections and links at Mennonite Maidens. There is a white cotton nightgown in their unmentionables department that I love. And it's the place to go for authentic poke bonnets, straw men's hats and full length aprons. Lovely bunch of links to canning and other domestic crafts too.

I hope you are having a very happy Sunday. Breath deep and simplify for a moment.


  1. There are a lot of Mennonites where I come from. I was partly raised by one and good friends with many others. They are good folks, living the way Christians are told to live in their book.

  2. I love that stuff too, Rosie. Off to check the link!

  3. If you go up I-81 to the Greenville/Bulls Gap/11-E exit - #23- and go towards Bulls Gap, there is a nice Mennonite store on the left called Yoder's that sells nice bulk foods and Amish butter, etc.- you can even get hard goat cheese there.

    And if you go towards Greenvile,. then take the road towards Tusculum, there is a Mennonite store out there called Mtn. View Bulk foods, and a reataurant called 'The Farmer's Daughter'- which I have never been to because it is (A)only open on weekends, and (B)always slammed with customers.

    The last time I was in Lancaster, PA- earlier this yr.- I bought an Amish man's straw hat to wear- I love it.

  4. They are good folks...good cooks and craftspeople too. should check out Lehman's too. I just want to buy their willow wood pitchfork to hang on the wall.

    Betsy! I think this sounds like a Goat Yoda and SMB road trip opportunity for sure! I could get a blog article and you could do one for the Farmer's paper you write for. ROADTRIP!!!!

    I love your straw hat. I wants one. Your brim is wider than the ones at Mennonite Maidens.

  5. Okay Rosie,

    I know I'm your city slicker moron here and those children are beautiful but are we breeding rabbits for meat?

    The Cafe Four Oaks in Bel Air just recently closed it's doors and they had a gorgeous Thumper dinner.

    Is it bunny stew????


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