Saturday, June 16, 2007

Our Luna Overlords have Arrived.

All hail our Luna Overlords!

I've seen six this year.


  1. There must be a bored god or goddess of moths. I'm off to check. I'll send my pet Corythosaurus to be a Godzilla to your Mothra.

  2. What is that? Some sort of butterfly?

  3. POh, that is a Luna Moth. It's about the size of your hand or a small bird. They are in the silk moth family along with my other favorite the Tuliptree Silk Moth...also about the size of your hand. If they weren't so beautiful, they would truly be frightening. They make quite a racket when they beat against the screens to get inside.

  4. Neat-o! I haven't seen one since I left my old boarding stable last year. I was hoping I had the right kind of trees/ shrubs for Luna caterpillars near my house, but no sightings yet.


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