We Be Ignorant Rubes!!!
(an NBC Affiliate)
I'm forced to watch WBIR because NBC News with Brian Williams is on every night at 6:30 unless WBIR has competitive hog wrassling or something it can pre-empt it with. Yeah, they pre-empt the national new here. I think Brian Williams is the closest thing we have to Peter Jennings and that's why I follow NBC's news.
Anyway, I was really engaged in NBC's series "Kings," which I think is some of the smartest scripting and acting I've seen on the networks in a long, long time. And Ian McShane is a really hot guy for a short man. It hasn't been doing so hot in the ratings because it's a smart show more suited to premium cable. Anyway, WBIR decided to block it and run Law and Order re-runs. Pretty sure there's some boneheaded reasoning for this. This pisses me off because I committed to watching the damn thing and now I'm being denied the opportunity to finish watching it--something that the rest of the NBC viewing public is being allowed.
Luckily, I have the first two discs of Rome. If anyone is recording "Kings," I'd be happy to work out a barter. I can't access this stuff on 26K dialup. Trade ya some soap and chutney?
Yeah, that's right, K-town. Someone in Cocke Freaking County is calling you an unsophisticated bumpkin. So bite me!
I don't even know if they are still in business.
For crying out loud!
I've given up on TV--I only watch DVDs of the few shows that are worthwhile. I say it's because I can't stand commercials, but I think I'm all about instant gratification (as in 'that episode was great! let's watch the next one!')