Morristown First Monday MarketI was expecting to be really busy today. I had to go to town and pay bills and do shopping. Then turn around and drive to Asheville for my rheumatologist appointment. But the doctor was ill and cancelled, so it turned out being not so bad. Except that I hadn't slept all night long. I hate that when I peek out of the covers and see the light coming over the mountain and know that I still haven't fallen asleep.
I stopped off at the Chinese for lunch and took a book to read since I was by myself.
Pastor Jimmy and Pam came in. It was so good to see them! We talked about snakehandling and Popcorn Sutton and all that. I'm going to go back to his church this Sunday. He said the New York PBS station was doing a special on him.
Pastor Jimmy asked me if I'd be interested in collaborating with him on his Appalachian Folktales book. He's got 300 handwritten pages of research compiled. Of course, I'd love nothing better! But he does already have an editor and told him I wouldn't want to take a project away from Dr. Hood. He didn't seem to think it would be a problem, but I'd feel better knowing I wasn't snatching a project. But I sure would love to craft some of those folktales into proper stories. Oh, yes, I would!
He wants me to come by his house and see all of his research he and Pam have there at the house. I asked him about the beautiful verse books I saw in his church archives. He made those lovely things with the hand bound covers. He also makes dolls and walking sticks. I'm very eager to see those since I'm such a huge fan of folk art. I'd love to have one of my very own for my collection. was a good day after all. Not too rushed and I caught a nap when I got home.
I just love serendipity. I can think of NO ONE more capable to handle those stories!!!! BOL.
And I am sorry you are an insomniac. I can sympathize.
I get psychotic without sleep.
I than usual.
All best
Kerry Madden
Thank you so much, and thanks for stopping by. I'm not sure you can order the's an ezine.
Dew on the Kudzu
Idgie was the first editor to forgive me for my unfortunate dependence on blogging as a way of developing my best stories and articles. So, she takes my stories even though they have first appeared on the SMB.
I will most certainly pick up copies of your books. Gentle's Holler sounds charming.
Thanks so much, again. It's nice to have a real writer who has navigated the gauntlet of publishing visit and complement me. I'm hopeful that if I get to work with Pastor Jimmy and his folktales that it will help me overcome some of my own resistance to the submissions process. It just takes so much time away from actually know?
All best