Monday, June 16, 2008
Yes, another post that is all about me--and Smokelong Quarterly. I can't believe they put my name on this with all of these amazing writers.
My aunt Libby used to say this thing when she didn't understand something. "Who shot who?"
Anyhoo--my story is Memento Mori, developed here on the blog. And they even did an interview with me!
And very special, slobberingly grateful thanks to Lee from our very own blogroll, who provided the appropriately irreverent artwork, Skull Triptych, to go with my story. In fact, Thomas White, the editor who recommended me, had her do artwork for his own amazing story, Double-Exposure. It's called Bar-fly.Yang, the literature goat, has read the entire issue front to back and highly recommends you bookmark it and read every single story. Over and over again.
Well, except for mine, which he insists still needs more cowbell.
He's already offered to blurb it."Smokelong Quarterly's Fifth Anniversary issue is a triumphant orgy of flash fiction! Better than the neighbor's rose bushes! You must read them! They are a must read! Except Rosanne Griffeth's story, which obviously needs more cowbell." ~ Yang the Literature Goat
Labels: publishment, Smokelong Quarterly
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